googling is fun
being bored, i tried googling "mrliew", and to my amazement this blog is #1 on it. muahahaha, at least i can boast that i have a website than features #1 on google - some people pay money to get their sites listed ahead of others', but i guess no one bothers with an obscure search string like "mrliew" =)
anyway, on the second page of my googling adventure, i found this:
haha am amazed that mcafee would bother parsing through personal blogs to check for potential threats (eg spam, scams). but whatever the case, mine's certified to be safe.. don't you feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart knowing that this site is safe from any malicious threats? =P
anyway, on the second page of my googling adventure, i found this:
haha am amazed that mcafee would bother parsing through personal blogs to check for potential threats (eg spam, scams). but whatever the case, mine's certified to be safe.. don't you feel a warm, fuzzy feeling in your heart knowing that this site is safe from any malicious threats? =P